Less is More

1 min read

single bonsai tree on wooden floor

I’ve always believed that more is better.

The more resources, experience, or time you have, the better you’re able to do things. That extra dollar, extra skill, and extra hour can go a long way.

But sometimes, having more can be a hindrance.

Having too much can breed security and comfort. Though both are good things, they can become shackles when the goal is innovation, progress, or change. ⛓️

As Life.church pastor Craig Groeschel mentions, the greatest obstacle to future success, is current success.

Being placed in circumstances where you’re limited, where there is no surplus, can create an environment of urgency and greater focus.

Though it may not be ideal, putting yourself in these circumstances can force you to adapt and innovate.

To use whatever you have at your disposal and try to do great with it.

To grow. 🌱

Kelvin Doe was someone who was born in circumstances where he didn’t have much, yet he grew under those limits. 👇

“15-Year-Old Kelvin Doe is an engineering whiz living in Sierra Leone who scours the trash bins for spare parts, which he uses to build batteries, generators and transmitters.

Completely self-taught, Kelvin has created his own radio station where he broadcasts news and plays music under the moniker, DJ Focus.”

Ironically, having less can be more.

  • When you have less money, you’re forced to be more careful with your dollar. 💰

  • When you lack ability, you’re forced to learn or find someone who can fill that gap. 🙋

  • When you have less time, you’re forced to allocate your time on what’s important. 🕒

Ultimately, having less can be a refining fire that brings about clarity, focus, and the ability to create high-quality work with little.

Questions to ponder: 🤔

  • Where do you have a surplus in your life, that may be hindering your growth?

  • What artificial limits can you set in order to learn, achieve innovation and growth?